Appointment letter sample
(প্রশাসনিক বা ব্যবস্থাপনামূলক কর্মে নিযুক্ত কর্মীর নিয়োগপত্র)
Appointment letter sample
[Date: ]
[Candidate Name]
[Address Line]
Subject: Appointment for post the of [Manager]
Dear [Mr./Ms.] [Candidate Name],
We are pleased to offer you, the position of [Manager] with [Company name] (the ‘Company’) on the following terms and conditions:
1. Commencement of employment
Your employment will be effective, as of [Starting Date, Month, Year]
2. Job title & reporting
2.1 Your job title will be [Manager] and you will report to [Mr./Ms.] [Name & Designation].
2.2 The company may change your designation, reporting and responsibilities from time to time which will be advised to you by your Departmental Head/Managing Director or any person nominated by him/her.
3. Probational period
3.1 You shall remain on probation for a period of […….] months.
3.2 The company may on its own discretion reduce or extend your probational period depending on your performance provided that probational period shall not be extended for a term beyond 3 (Three) months.
3.3 During probational period, either party may terminate the service without giving any prior notice.
3.4 Upon successful completion of probational period, you may be confirmed as permanent employee.
4. Tenure of employment
4.1 The tenure of your service is dependent on the requirement of the company.
4.2 The normal age of retirement from service of the company on attaining […….] years. The record of the company on your date of birth will be the basis of ascertaining your age.
5. Salary
5.1 Your salary and other benefits will be as set out in Schedule I, hereto. However, your remuneration package may be adjusted at the discretion of the company based on your performance.
5.2 You will get 2 yearly festive bonus after completion of 1 (one) year service.
5.3 That your salary may be reviewed annually by the company based on your performance provided that
(a) You are a permanent employee;
(b) You have completed at least 6 (Six) months of service form the date of your employment;
(c) Your performance is and continuing to be satisfactory to the company;
5.4 You shall pay your own income tax which will be deducted at source by the company (if any).
6. Other benefit
6.1 Transport/car/poll facilities may be provided to subject to availability and company’s policies.
6.2 Company’s TA/DA policy will be applicable if any expense incurred for discharging your duty for official purpose.
6.3 Company on its own discretion may provide cell phone and sim card facilities.
6.4 That you will be eligible to get other benefits such as provident fund, gratuity, profit sharing, life insurance, performance incentive etc (if any) subjected to the policies and regulations of the company.
6.5 If company finds that you are promising or talented, it may invest in you for your skill development or arrange/conduct/send you for training in home and abroad. Company may also provide loan for your professional/personal development and may deduct it from your salary or other benefits.
7. Place of posting
7.1 You will be posted at [……….].
7.2 You may however be required to work at any place of business which the Company or its sister concern has, or may later acquire.
7.3 Your job is transferable, you may be transferred to any place of business which the company or its sister concern has, or may later acquire.
8. Hours of Work
8.1 You will be required to work for such hours as necessary for the proper discharge of your duties to the Company.
8.2 You shall be required to do your duty at any shift (day or night) as per requirement of the company.
8.3 The normal working hours are from [Start Time] to [End Time] or [Start Time] to [End Time] and you are expected to work not less than [Number of Hours] hours each week, and if necessary, for additional hours depending on your responsibilities.
8.4 You may be required to work beyond your office hours for the proper discharge of your duty.
9. Leave/Holidays
You are entitled to various types of leaves as per company’s rules, regulations and policies.
10. Nature of duties
10.1 You will perform to the best of your ability all the duties as are inherent in your post and such additional duties as the company may call upon you to perform, from time to time. You are hereby authorized for discharging the following duties & responsibilities:
(a) appointing workers or employees on behalf of the company;
(b) determining the salaries, allowances etc.
(c) terminating, dismissing, removing, retrenching, laying off, discharging etc. from the services;
(d) paying off the final dues and approves or controls the expenditures of the company;
(e) taking disciplinary action against employees/workers accused of misconduct;
(f) giving administrative support;
(g) facilitating and supporting employees/workers, hearing complaints, settling disputes, keeping attendance record, evaluating the performance of employees/workers;
(h) accomplishing your assigned jobs and report back to your reporter.
10.2 This is a position of continuous responsibility and does not attract any kind of extra payment or benefit except provided in this employment contract.
11. Company property
You will always maintain in good condition Company property, which may be entrusted to you for official use during the course of your employment and shall return all such property to the Company prior to relinquishment of your charge, failing which the cost of the same will be recovered from you by the Company.
12. Borrowing/accepting gifts
You will not borrow or accept any money, gift, reward or compensation for your personal gains from or otherwise place yourself under pecuniary obligation to any person/client with whom you may be having official dealings.
13. Termination
13.1 Your appointment can be terminated by the Company, without any reason, by giving you not less than [Notice] months’ prior notice in writing or salary in lieu thereof. For the purpose of this clause, salary shall mean basic salary.
13.2 You may terminate your employment with the Company, without any cause, by giving no less than [Employee Notice] months’ prior notice or salary for unsaved period, left after adjustment of pending leaves, as on date.
13.3 The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment summarily without any notice period or termination payment/benefit, if it has reasonable ground to believe you are guilty of dishonesty, disobedience, insubordination, intemperance, incapacity, incivility, irregularity in attendance, or other misconduct or negligence, or have committed any fundamental breach of this contract or caused any loss to the Company.
13.4 This offer of employment based largely on the information you have supplied to the company on your application form/CV/resume or otherwise. If it is found at any time that any of the information provided by you is false or any vital information needed to be disclosed but you did not do so, the company reserves the right to terminate your employment without any notice or pay in lieu thereof.
13.5 On the termination of your employment for whatever reason, you will return to the Company all property; documents and paper, both original and copies thereof, including any samples, literature, contracts, records, lists, drawings, blueprints, letters, notes, data and the like; and Confidential Information, in your possession or under your control relating to your employment or to clients’ business affairs.
14. It is understood that
14.1 You shall not use indecent language, abuse verbally or physically to anyone employed in the company and failure of this may be viewed as grievous misconduct which may render for dismissal/termination.
14.2 You shall disclose to the company regarding all pending criminal case(s) if any filed against you before or during the service and violation of this may render dismissal/termination of the service.
14.3 You shall disclose all of your family members and other relatives employed in the company and nondisclosure may render dismissal/termination. Family members shall include father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, spouse, brother, sister, son and daughter. Other relative shall include paternal uncle, maternal uncle, cousin, brother in law, sister in law, mother in law and father in law.
14.4 You shall abide by all the laws of the country as well as all the rules and regulation of the company and failing to this may render termination/dismissal.
14.5 You shall not do anything subversive of discipline or detrimental to the interest of the company.
14.6 You shall under no circumstances employ child labour until and unless the Bangladesh Labour Act, 2006 or other laws provide otherwise.
14.7 You will be responsible for all the damages, losses or injury incurred to the company or to any person employed thereof as a result of your action or negligence. Civil and/or criminal action may be taken against you for the above reasons.
15. Confidential Information
15.1 During your employment with the Company you will devote your whole time, attention and skill to the best of your ability for its business. You shall not, directly or indirectly, engage or associate yourself with, be connected with, concerned, employed or engaged in any other business or activities or any other post or work part time or pursue any course of study whatsoever, without the prior permission of the Company.
15.2 You must always maintain the highest degree of confidentiality and keep as confidential the records, documents and other Confidential Information relating to the business of the Company which may be known to you or confided in you by any means and you will use such records, documents and information only in a duly authorized manner in the interest of the Company. For the purposes of this clause ‘Confidential Information’ means information about the Company’s business and that of its customers which is not available to the general public and which may be learnt by you in the course of your employment. This includes, but is not limited to, information relating to the organization, its customer lists, employment policies, personnel, and information about the Company’s products, processes including ideas, concepts, projections, technology, manuals, drawing, designs, specifications, and all papers, resumes, records and other documents containing such Confidential Information.
15.3 At no time, will you remove any Confidential Information from the office without permission.
15.4 Your duty to safeguard and not disclose Confidential Information will survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement and/or your employment with the Company.
15.5 Breach of the conditions of this clause will render you liable to summary dismissal under clause above in addition to any other remedy the Company may have against you in law.
16. Notices
16.1 Notices may be given by you to the Company at its registered office address.
16.2 Notices may be given by the Company to you at the address intimated by you in the official records.
16.3 That any change of your residential address should be notified in writing to the company.
17. Applicability of Company Policy
The Company shall be entitled to make policy declarations from time to time pertaining to matters like leave entitlement, maternity leave, employees’ benefits, working hours, transfer policies, etc., and may alter the same from time to time at its sole discretion. All such policy decisions of the Company shall be binding on you and shall override this Agreement to that extent.
18. Governing Law/Jurisdiction
Your employment with the Company is subject to Bangladeshi laws. All disputes shall be subject to the jurisdiction of domestic courts and tribunals only.
19. At the time of joining or any time during employment, you may be required to submit the followings:
(a) Details statement of past job experience mentioning name and tenure of service;
(b) Attested copies of educational/professional certificates;
(c) You may be called upon to undergo medical examinations or such other clinical or other examinations as recommended by the Medical Officer of the company and in the event of (i) refusal to submit yourself to such examination, or (ii) you are being found in such examination medically unfit to continue in employment, the company reserves the right to terminate your employment without any notice or pay in lieu thereof.
20. Lay-off condition & compensation
If the situation demands, the company may close down the whole or any part of the establishment by declaring lay-off and you may also be subjected to be laid-off in the interest of the company. If you are being laid-off, then you shall not get any salary, but in order to survive you will get --% of your gross salary as compensation. If your laid-off period exceeds 45 (forty-five) days in a calender year, then the company may terminate you from your service according to the terms and conditions of your appointment. In that scenario, you shall not be eligible for any notice or lieu of notice period payment for terminatiom. The other rules and regulation regarding lay-off not mentioned above shall be regulated by the lay-off policy of the company.
21. Acceptance of our offer
Please confirm your acceptance of this Contract of Employment by signing and returning the duplicate copy.
We welcome you, and look forward to receiving your acceptance and to working with you.
Sincerely Yours,
[Name & Designation]
I, [Employee Name], have read and have been explained the above terms and conditions of my employment with [company name]. I acknowledge these terms and conditions of my employment and accepting these. I also acknowledge that any changes whatsoever made to the [company name] Service Rule shall be binding on me.
[Name of the Employee]
Schedule I - Remuneration package
Salary Structure
গবেষনা পত্র- কর্মী নিয়োগ ও নিয়োগ পত্র
(বাংলাদেশ শ্রম আইন, ২০০৬ এবং বাংলাদেশ শ্রম বিধিমালা ২০১৫ অনুসরনে)
গবেষক: মোহাম্মদ বাবর চৌধুরী
বিএসএস (সম্মান), এমএসএস (লোক প্রশাসন), এমবিএ, পিজিডিপিএম, এলএল.বি,
অ্যাডভোকেট এন্ড লিড কনসালটেন্ট, বাবর এন্ড এসোসিয়েটস্
প্রথম প্রকাশ: ১৫ই জুন ২০২০ইং
প্রকাশক: বাবর এন্ড এসোসিয়েটস্
অত্র গবেষণা পত্রের গবেষণা সহকারীগন :
মোঃ সাইফুল্লাহ সরকার
এল এল.বি (ইউকে), এলএল.এম (বিইউপি), এমএসএস ইন ক্রিমিনোলজি এন্ড ক্রিমিনাল জাস্টিস (ঢাবি) অ্যাডভোকেট - ঢাকা জজ কোর্ট
মোঃ ইমরুল হাসান
বিবিএস, এমবিএ (জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়), পিজিডি.এইচ.আর.এম (বিআইএম), এলএল.বি, মাস্টার ট্রেইনার (অভিযোগ ব্যবস্থাপনা) - আইটিসি/আইএলও, এইচ. আর প্রফেশনাল
এ.বি.এম মোস্তফা সিদ্দিক
এল এল.বি (অনার্স), এলএল.এম (ডি.আই.ইউ)
শিক্ষানবিশ আইনজীবী- ঢাকা জজ কোর্ট।
শামীম আহসান সাদ
বিবিএ (এন.এস.ইউ), এমবিএ (ইস্ট ওয়েস্ট), পিজিডি.এইচ.আর.এম (বিআইএম), এলসিএমসি (আইবিএ), এইচ. আর প্রফেশনাল
মোঃ আফজাল হোসেন রানা
বিবিএস, এমবিএ (জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়), পিজিডি.এইচ.আর.এম (ইউ.আই.ইউ), এলএল.বি, এইচআরএমসি (আইবিএ), এইচ. আর প্রফেশনাল
নবনিযুক্ত গবেষনাসহকারীগন ঃ
শেখ মোঃ আফসার
বিবিএস, এমবিএ (জগন্নাথ বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়), পিজিডিএইচআরএম(বিআইএম), এলএলবি, পিজিডিটিএম (ইউআইইউ), এইচ আর প্রফেশনাল
মোহাম্মদ হাবিবুর রহমান
বিবিএ, এমবিএ (ম্যানেজমেন্ট স্টাডিজ), পিজিডিএইচআরএম(বিআইএম), এলএলবি, পিজিডিটিএম (ইউআইইউ), এইচ আর প্রফেশনাল
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