WRAP Principle-01_Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

1.           Policy:
 COMPANY NAME continuously updates itself and complies with local and national laws and regulations including workers & buyers requirements related to all workplace regulations and social laws including environmental regulations, customs laws and security.

2.           Procedure:
2.1         Updates the WRAP Manual for all changes in laws and regulations related to labor practices, factory conditions, and environmental and customs compliance.
2.2         Assigns a qualified person with responsibility for informing facility management of changes to laws and regulations related to labor practices, factory conditions, and environmental and customs compliance.
2.3         Designates an employee with responsibility for incorporating changes to laws and regulations in Facility procedures. 

3.           Responsibility, authority and communication:
3.1         COMPANY NAME has appointment a Sr. Manager-Compliance Mr. Abu Taher who is conversant with and in a capacity to implement the BLL-2006.
3.2         For environmental requirements, Sr. Manager-Compliance seeks updates from Environmental Ministry.
3.3         GM-A & F coordinates with freight forwarding agency/shipping agency to seek the necessary information related to current applicable laws and practices which needs to be fulfilled either at the factory premises or at the port.

4.           Responsibility and authority:

5.           Responsibilities:
5.1         Collect all necessary documentation/paper/gazette of local laws & regulations as well as international.
5.2         Updates the WRAP Manual for all changes in laws and regulations related to labor practices, factory conditions, and environmental and customs compliance.
5.3         Inform & collect any changes to laws & regulations related practices, factory conditions, and environmental and customs compliance by the local government.
5.4         Make written procedures, which outline how & regulations in facility manual & procedure by through staff bulletins, training sessions, e-mail & notice.
5.5         Promptly incorporates changes to laws & regulations in facility Manual & Procedure by through staff bulletins, training sessions, e-mail & notice.

7.      Position in the Organization Chart: See Annexure-1
8.        Communication & Training:
8.1         Staff/workers shall communicate issues related to compliance to the laws & regulations through formal/informal communication.
8.2         Where required, Sr. Manager-Compliance will train the designated persons to ensure the compliance of updated laws. Training records are maintained in the form of training attendance.
8.3          Manager-Compliance also provides the relevant training materials pertaining to the new or amended laws to concerned designation.
In causes where the new or amended law has direct impact on the workers, they are informed about the requirement or change in company policies or procedures through displaying the company policies, procedures, BLL-2006 on notice board maintained near the main gate/working floor/notice board.
To see the Social Complican Manual-Part-01 Click here: 

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